⋅ Talences only accepts recruitment missions if they fall within its sphere of expertise.
⋅ Talences is conscious of the issues related to the hiring of a new employee.
⋅ For each recruitment mission entrusted to it, Talences draws up a mission document containing information on the company, recruitment context, the position of the post within the organization, the full job description, required skills, and the desired candidate profile.
⋅ Talences respects professional secrecy: the identity of the candidate and the client and all confidential information concerning them are only communicated with their prior agreement.
⋅ Talences communicates with and advises the client at each stage of the recruitment mission.
⋅ Talences has signed the Diversity Charter, and respects the principles of equal opportunities and non-discriminatory recruitment.
⋅ Talences respects the legal provisions related to its profession and the requirements of the CNIL (French data protection authority) regarding the treatment of information concerning the candidates.
⋅ Talences examines each application carefully, whether it is spontaneous or in response to an announcement.
⋅ Talences monitors the integration of recruited candidates to reassure itself of their progress and ensure their success. The monitoring of integration is a key point in the support for candidates.
⋅ Talences is ready to listen to both candidates and clients if they have advice to offer and promotes the satisfaction of all parties.